Thursday, June 7, 2012

on to SECONDS... I want more!

All About The Accessories...

It's about the little things in life. 

The random smile you give a stranger on the street. 
The extra dollar you leave for your waiter or waitress' tip just because he or she did an amazing job at serving you. 
The heartfelt offer to help your mom bring in the groceries or do the dishes.
The time you take to randomly call up a friend just to see how he or she is doing.
The way you don't retaliate when someone cuts you off on the highway.

Just like outfit options, there are endless opportunities every day to make someone else's day better.
It's treating other people the way you want to be treated.
Forgiving others always.
Never judging, but loving others no matter what.

I see this billboard off of the highway when I'm driving and it always makes me think... 
It's from United Way and it says,

"It takes just ONE person to change ONE life." 
I just think this is SO TRUE. So, let's BE the difference. It starts with the little things.


Rocker style bracelet and necklace, 

miscellaneous silver rings, 

and black fedora hat


Cream colored flower, 

and yellow mini handbag


Nine West watch with a deep brown strap and gold plated face, 

and detailed lace top

BE beautiful from the inside out.


  1. Haha it's so funny to read your posts because like I said I hear your voice and it reminds me of our fashion show in Mrs. Rivero's class sophomore year. But you're keeping it classy yet you can still pull off everything it all looks original and I'm pretty sure that's what's you're tryIng to get out there, that originality is the best look. Please correct me if I'm wrong :) but I'm following you through this and you have my support great job!

  2. Thank you, Craig! Yes, you got it! Originality is KEEEYYYYY :)
